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Hao de Yanjiang [a good speech]
Hao de Yanjiang [A good speech].
D角ji芋 h見o.? W辛 j貝nti芋n de t赤m迄 sh足 z豆nme zu辰 y貝g豕 h見ode y見nji見ng.
Hello everybody.? My topic today is how to give a good speech.
H見ode y見nji見ng z豆nme zu辰 ne? Zh身nggu車r谷n x走huan shu身 h見ode y見nji見ng l走 y辛ut車u-y辛uw豆i.
How to give a good speech? Chinese people like to say a good speech as a hat and a tail.
N角, t車u sh足 sh谷nme, '谷r w豆i sh足 sh谷nme? H見o.? W辛 g角osu n走men.? T車u sh足 g角osu d角ji芋 n走 y角o shu身 sh谷nme.? 谷r w豆i sh足 g角osu d角ji芋 n走 g芋ngc芍i shu身de sh足 sh谷nme.
So, what is the head, and what is the tail?? OK.? I'll tell you.? The head tells every body what you will say.? And the tail tells everybody what you just said.
D角n zh走 y辛u t車u h谷 w豆i sh足 b迄g辰u de.? H芍i y角o y辛u r辰u! R辰u sh足 sh谷nme ne? R辰u sh足 b見 t車u g言n w豆i shu身de q貝ngchu.? B走fang shu身, w辛 j貝nti芋n y見nji見ng l走 de t車u sh足 xi芋n g角os迄 n走men h見ode y見nji見ng l走 y辛u sh谷nme.? R辰u sh足 g角osu d角ji芋 h見ode y見nji見ng l走 y辛u t車u, y辛u r辰u, y豆 y辛u w豆i.
R辰u = meat/substance
But to only have a head and a tail is not enough.? You must also meat [rou = meat].? What is meat?? Meat is taking the head and the tail and explaining it.? For example, in my speech today the tail is first telling you all what is in a good speech.? The meat is telling everybody that a good speech has a head, meat, and a tail.
W辛 shu身d角o w豆i le.? W辛de y見nji見ng y辛u t車u, y豆 y辛u r辰u.? Q走ngw豕n d角ji芋, n走men ju谷de w辛 j貝nti芋n de y見nji見ng y辛u m谷iy辛u w豆i?
I've gotten to the end of my speech [literally, I've spoken up unto the tail].? My speech has a head, and has substance.? I'd like to ask everybody, do you all think my speech today has substance?
Xi豕xie d角ji芋.
Thank you everybody [resounding applause]